Terms of Use

Welcome to Typhoeus.it we inform you that the use of this website is owned by Typhoeus Srl, 05757810873 (IT), with registered and postal address in Corso Sicilia 3, 95024 Acireale (CT), Italy.
This Legal Notice supplements any specific term of use that applies to the different pages where it is indicated that Typhoeus Srl is the titleholder.
If you do not accept the clauses set out in this Legal Notice or the specific clauses that apply to it, you must abstain from accessing and / or using the services and / or contents that are made available on the Site.
We will hereafter refer to the person who uses the page as “the User”.


The User assumes responsibility for the use of the Page. The User must read the Legal Notice on each and every one of the occasions in which he or she accesses the Page, since it is susceptible to changes.
The User is obliged and agrees to use the Page and the Contents in accordance with the valid legislation, the Legal Notice, and any other notice or instructions that he or she is made aware of.
To this end, the User undertakes and commits to NOT using any of the Contents for illicit purposes or effects, that may be harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or in any way that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Contents, the computer equipment or the documents, files and all kinds of stored content in any computer equipment that is owned or contracted by Typhoeus Srl or of other Users or of any Internet user (hardware and software).
The User is obliged and committed to not transmitting, spreading or making available to third parties any kind of material contained in the Page, not being permitted to reproduce, copy, distribute, or modify the Contents of the same; nor deleting, manipulating or in any way altering the “copyright” and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of Typhoeus Srl
This site is exclusively reserved for people of legal age, given that the current legislation prohibits the advertising, sale, consumption and supply of alcohol to minors under 18 years of age. However, the company will not verify the accuracy of the data provided, nor will it be held responsible for those minors who enter this page in breach of this condition of access, since full responsibility for determining the specific content and services that minors access exclusively corresponds to those persons of legal age who are in charge of them.

The contents and materials provided by Typhoeus Srl or released by this website constitute a work in adherence to the legislation on intellectual and / or industrial property, due to which they are protected by the applicable laws and international conventions in this matter. All rights are reserved, and therefore, its content belongs solely and exclusively to its author.


The company does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the web, its content, or the services linked to it, nor its suitability. Changes to the information contained can be incorporated periodically. Under no circumstances will the company or its affiliates be liable for any loss or damage that is related to or that results from the use, access, or ineptitude for using the content of this website; or that is caused by any malfunction, omission, interruption , delay in transmission, computer virus or online failure (including direct, incidental, derivative, indirect or criminal damages and any other damage that may arise even if the latter is not specified in the aforementioned list) regardless of whether such loss or damage, has contractual or extra-contractual origin, arises from our negligence, objective liability or any other type of damage, even though we are expressly informed of the possibility of such loss or damage.
It is the USER’s responsibility to use an antivirus software to check any material downloaded from the web and to ensure the compatibility of such software with his or her equipment and also to assume the total cost of the services, repairs or corrections that may be necessary.

The company will only assume responsibility for its own behavior and content and therefore, will not be liable for information, statements, opinions or behaviors expressed by the USER, even when this affects the rights of third parties.
THE USER will be liable for damages that the company, its affiliates, branches, matrices or associated companies and any other parties may directly or indirectly suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations arising from these TERMS AND CONDITIONS or any other applicable legal obligations and will hold the company harmless from any sanction, claim or demand that could be filed by a third party, including public bodies, against the company, its affiliates, branches, matrices, associated companies or agents as a result of the said user breaching any rights of third parties through the use of this site or of the services and materials linked to it in any manner that is contrary to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS or to the applicable legislation.
The company reserves the right to exclusively defend and control any claim of this type and the USER agrees to extend his or her full cooperation in the same and in the aforementioned defense.

The company will not be under any obligation to supervise the Service or the use that is carried out by the user, or to conserve the contents of any session of THE USER. However, the company may restrict, suspend or prevent access to this area and to the contained services, including interactive services, if it considers that THE USER has breached these TERMS AND CONDITIONS or infringed the valid legislation, without prejudice to exercising the corresponding legal actions.

THINC Pure products are only for use in states where the sale and consumption of such products are legal.

Age Verification

By clicking enter, I certify that I am over the age of 18 and will comply with the above statement. This site uses cookies. Cookie Policy. I agree to the Terms of use


Always enjoy responsibily.